
Sunday, May 6, 2012

Cooking Tablet

Cooking can sometimes require you to read a few recipes, however with paper recipes, the paper can get ripped or lost, so why not use your tablet as a screen for reading recipes or watching cooking shows. Or you can just watch a movie while you cook, especially if you are cooking a dish where you have to stir for a very long time. Tablets like the iPad are quite costly, and most people would be scared to put it in their kitchen. Therefore, you can use the Qooq. Check out the CNET article here

Sunday, April 29, 2012


Fruit should be a part of your everyday life, and it is very healthy for you. Fruit offers your body with various nutrients and is important for a healthy lifestyle. But, you might wonder, "how do I incorporate fruit into my daily life". Well, here are a few suggestions:

  • add it to cake-it may sound silly, but fruit tastes good with most plain vanilla cakes
  • eat it on the go-have a banana while on your daily commute
  • blend some fruits up with yogourt and make a smoothie
  • add it to cookies-NOTE: this only works with some fruits
  • add to your cereal-again, only works with some fruits
  • eat dried fruits as a snack while you work
  • build a schedule of dedicated fruit eating time

Monday, April 23, 2012


Wanting to have something more fun with your milk? Have you tried cookies? Well, we're pretty sure most of you have, but there are a few things you might want to try to enhance your cookie experience.

Firstly, try putting a nice design on your cookies. Pinterest has great examples of different cookies and other food items and you can easily view a photo. You can customize almost any thing you want, for example, you might want to make a puck cookie for your friend who likes hockey-or you might want to make a cookie the shape of a phone for your technological friend; the possibilities are endless.

Different ingredients-these can help enhance the flavour of a cookie, and at the same time possibly make the cookie healthier. By adding more grains or even some fruits to a cookie, the cookie could get healthier. Although, be warned-adding these can sometimes change the taste in a non preferable way. So watch out!

Lastly, you might want to try different sides and different toppings for your cookie. We haven't tried these but here are a few suggestions-let us know how they taste in the comments:

Cookies with:

  • cheese
  • ice cream
  • jello
  • yogourt
  • juice
  • crackers
  • icing
  • oatmeal

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Bread Ideas

Bread is a great food item, however it can be very plain. In order to help avoid this, you can top your bread with various toppings and use bread differently. Firstly, you can top bread with the basic, known toppings. These include peanut butter (we like crunchy), jam (try grape jam, its really good!), and butter. You can also make great combos, such as butter and jam (use a berry-based jam this time), and the very common peanut butter and jelly. But, after a while, you kinda get tired of these toppings for your food, and you want something different. Well, we have some great suggestions. Firstly, you can top it with mozzarella cheese and then melt it. This way, you can get great melted cheese on top of a warm piece of bread. Also, try cream cheese on a piece of toasted bread. The light feeling of cream cheese, tastes great against the crispy toasted bread. 

TIPS: We suggest not mixing Nutella and butter, we have tried it, it does not taste good. Eat Nutella by itself

Want some food pics? Follow our Cool Food board on Pinterest

Saturday, March 17, 2012


UrbanSpoon is a great service available for looking for reviews about restaurants and posting your own. You can read experiences from customers and share and look at pictures taken of the food. The service is very easy to use and requires no registration and is also free. You can also easily check into different restaurants and connect to your Facebook to share with your friends. There is also an app available on the Apple App Store, for easy access to the service while on the go